Alina Gorohova - Personal Information, Instagram, Career, Relationship | Net Worth.

About Alina Gorohova. 

Alina Gorohova

Alina Gorova is a model known for her beautiful pictures and her attractive figure.

Alina Gorhova was born in 2000. She will be just 20 years old in 2020. Alina Gorova is from St. Petersburg, Russia.

Personal Information:

Name: Alina Gorohova

Full Name : Alina Gorohova

Nick Name: Not known

Country: Russia

Birthdate: 1995

Birth Place: St Petersburg, Russia

Profession: Instagram model

Age : 20 years old

Educational Detail.

At the time, Alina Gorohova did not provide any details about her education. We will update in the future.

Alina Gorohova Body measurements and Physical details.

Alina Gorohova

Alina Gorohova weighs around 65 kg and has a height of 5ft 7inch. Alina Gorohova has and black eyes and black hair.

Alina Gorohova's body measurements are 36-26-40.

Weight : 65 kg
Height : 5ft 7 inch 
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Black
Body measurements: 36-26-40

Alina Gorohova Family Information.

At the time Alina Gorohova hasn't revealed any information about her Family. We will update in the future.

Alina Gorohova Career Details.

Alina Gorohova

Alina Gorohova Career Description. Alina Gorohova started her career as a model on Instagram. She loves to upload her photos on Instagram.

Alina Gorohova uploaded her first photo in September 2019 and this is a post sponsored by Koroleva Store.

Alina also modeled for Playboy. She is also one of the top 12 girls of the year in Playboy.

Alina Gorohova Instagram Photos.

Alina Gorohova

Alina Gorohova

Alina Gorohova

Alina Gorohova

Alina Gorohova

Alina Gorohova

Alina Gorohova

Alina Gorohova

Alina Gorohova Boyfriend and Relationship.

At the time Alina Gorohova did not give any information about her boyfriend and relationship. So we can say that Alina Gorova is alone now.

Alina Gorohova Net Worth.

Alina Gorohova has an estimated net worth of $500k and earning 40k per Instagram Sponsorship photo.

Thanks for visiting her.

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